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Celebrated Magazines Feature the Razny Family's Visit to Africa

This year, the Razny Family visited our supplier in Africa.

The purpose of the trip was twofold. First, it was essential for us to ensure that our diamond source more than met international standards of ethics and that our contribution to the natural diamond industry in Namibia and South Africa served well the locals in these countries. Second, this was an opportunity to gain a greater appreciation for the work started by our family over 70 years ago. "There is no question that the people of Namibia and South Africa benefit from the diamond industry as it is a key component of the economy," says Ingrid Razny. "This industry has taken great effort to harvest these natural wonders from the land and sea in the most environmentally friendly way. Seeing the process and meeting Africa's people has given us the ability to tell the story of natural diamonds."

Razny Jewelers is honored to have the story of our visit featured in Hinsdale Living, the favored lifestyle publication for Hinsdale and surrounding communities, and Sheridan Road, a luxury magazine that serves families of Chicago's North Shore. 

Pick up your copies to view the full feature or view the digital edition here.